San Diego County Office of Education (SDCOE) Homeless Education Services Evaluation.

2021-present. SDCOE’s Student Services and Programs Division provides support and resources to the 42 school districts in the county, Juvenile Court and Community Schools (JCCS), and county-wide charter schools to implement the McKinney-Vento Act. SDCOE’s Homeless Liaison Coordinator provides professional development and training for school district homeless liaisons. SDCOE contracted with the School Health Evaluation and Research team to evaluate the impact of the professional development and technical assistance provided to school districts. The SHS Research Team is creating systems to better track assistance provided, developing training surveys, interviewing key stakeholders, and analyzing data from the California Healthy Kids Survey to describe characteristics of students who report that they are experiencing homelessness. In addition, we conducted a needs assessment to document district knowledge of the availability of resources offered through SDCOE, past experiences receiving help from SDCOE, the current needs of homeless youth in their school communities, and additional resources that they need to help them better serve homeless youth.

2021-22 School Year Impact

2021-22 School Year Impact