The California Department of Education (CDE) received funding from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) to implement Project Cal-Well in partnership with a cohort of three Southern California Local Education Agencies (2014-19), three Northern California County Offices of Education (2019-24), and two Northern California County Offices of Education (2023-28).
Project Cal-Well comprises a comprehensive three-component model of developmentally appropriate and culturally competent interventions to expand school and community-based mental health services. The CDE contracted with our SHS Research Team to comprehensively evaluate both cohorts of Project Cal-Well. Evaluation methods include the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) Mental Health Supports Custom Module, the Project Cal-Well School Staff Survey, the Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Training Post Survey, the California School Principal Survey, and Quarterly Progress Reports.
Project Cal-Well Legacy Briefs
Reports and Resources
2023 CDE Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Training Brief
This Brief highlights the reach and impacts of the YMHFA trainings.
2022 California Principals Survey Full Report
This Report and Infographic summarize findings from a statewide survey of principals in California public schools on their perceptions of student mental health needs and supports.
2023 California School Staff Perspectives Infographic
This Infographic describes data on school staff's self-reported capacity to support students' mental health needs during the 2022-23 school year.
Youth Mental Health and Supports: 2022-23 Secondary California Snapshot
This Snapshot provides a snapshot of youth mental health needs (secondary students) in California during the 2022-23 school year.
Youth Mental Health and Supports: 2022-23 Elementary California Snapshot
This Snapshot provides a snapshot of youth mental health needs (elementary students) in California during the 2022-23 school year.
Project Cal-Well: 2020-21 Evaluation Highlights
This Evaluation Highlights report describe Project Cal-Well's reach and impacts on student mental health awareness, school-based mental health service availability, and school climate.
Project Cal-Well Three Component Model: A Guide for California Schools
This Guide provides a guide for schools who are interested in implementing the Project Cal-Well Three Component Model.
Project Cal-Well: Evaluation Highlights (2014-19)
This Evaluation Highlights brief summarizes the accomplishments and lessons learned from the first cohort of Project Cal-Well.
San Diego County Office of Education: Final Project Cal-Well Evaluation Brief (2014-19)
This Evaluation Brief highlights the accomplishments and lessons learned of the San Diego County Project Cal-Well program during the first five-year grant period.