Alameda County School Health Center Evaluation

With funding from the Alameda County Center for Healthy Schools and Communities (CHSC), 28 School Health Centers (SHCs) provide a range of integrated medical, behavioral health, health education, oral health, and youth development services in a safe, youth-friendly environment at or near schools throughout Alameda County. CHSC has contracted with the School Health Evaluation and Research Team for over twenty years to conduct a multi-method evaluation to strengthen SHC operations further and provide valuable data for program improvement and advocacy for continued expansion. The data collection strategies are designed to document the demographic profile of SHC clients, the services that clients receive, and whether these services lead to improved health access and client and population-level outcomes. The key evaluation methods include extraction and analysis of clinic data from existing SHC electronic health records (EHR), administration of the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS), Client & Youth Program Surveys, and SHC Director Quarterly Reports to track health and wellness programming. Many of the SHCs are located in Oakland Unified School District, which has also provided information describing these services on its website


Alameda County healthy schools and communities Website